সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা

Sena Kalyan Sangstha

মানবতার কল্যাণে ৫২ বছর
52 Years For Humanity

সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা'র পন্য ক্রয় করুন , আর্তমানবতার সেবায় অংশ নিন
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##ফেনী, কুমিল্লা, নোয়াখালী, সিলেট, চট্টগ্রামের বানভাসি মানুষের পাশে এসে দাঁড়িয়েছে গোটা দেশ। অনেকেই করছেন অনেক কিছু। সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা এসময়ে আপনার সহযোগিতা/ সাপোর্ট জায়গামতো পৌঁছাতে উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে। আপনার - আমার ছোট্ট অবদানই সম্মিলিতভাবে মানবতার কল্যাণে বড় উদাহরন হয়ে উঠবে, ইনশাআল্লাহ। সেনা কল্যাণ সংস্থা -এর মাধ্যমে বন্যার্তদের সহযোগিতা পাঠাতে যোগাযোগ করুনঃবিকাশ এজেন্ট নং (ক্যাশ আউট) ০১৭৬৯০৫৬৫৬০## #সেনা সিমেন্ট পরিবেশক নিয়োগ চলছে। যোগাযোগ করুনঃ ০১৭৬৯-০৫৬৩১৭ |

Business Entities / Industrial Units / Sena Kalyan Ready Mix Concrete

Sena Kalyan Ready Mix Concrete

Sena Kalyan Readymix Concrete (SKRMC) was incepted by our predecessors in 2013 and went on trial production on 25 January 2014. To ensure supply of quality concrete to SKCD,SKS Tower ,SK Business Mart the need for having SKS own Readymix Concrete was felt. SKRMC new Plant was established in Honda Road,Tongi,Gazipur-1710 and went on Re-production on 25 April 2016 and with some new equipment. In last few years SKS took up no of new Projects like SKCD which has around 45 construction project in DOHS Mirpur. Besides SKS Tower in Mohakhali and two Towers in Tejgaon link road would require huge quantity of good quality RMC.

Sena Kalyan Ready Mix Concrete – At A Glance


Control Room The whole process is controlled by a computer system from control room
Aggregate bins Coarse and fine aggregates are filled in the 3 bins by a pay-loader continuously
Conveyer Belt Bin’s bottom doors open and allow the aggregates to fall on the belt
Skip Bucket Aggregates are taken to the bucket by conveyer belt
Cement Silo Cement from the silo are put to the mixing plant
Mixing Plant All the aggregates , Cement, admixture and water are all put together in the mixing plant. Its then mixed for the set time and released to the Truck for delivery to the construction site
Concrete Pump With the help of pump the RMC is pushed to the casting roof or basement


To Control of quality system, Sample of Raw material is received from the various Customer/Parties. Sample will be test by the Laboratory before purchase of Raw material as following basis :

  • ACB test
  • AIB test
  • LAA test
  • Gradation Test
  • Course Agreegate
  • FM, Sand test

After testing the sample of Raw material will prepare Mix Design .Concrete will be mixing by Batching Plant software system. Than Slump will be check & to make Cylinder for MIST/BUET Test.

Production Procedure/Specification

  • When a Customer /Party will submit work order for Readymix Concrte as per their concrete grade a mix design will be prepared by Lab Engineer as per Customer/Parties demand.
  • Mix design will submitted to Batching Plant Operator.
  • To receive the Mix Design Batching Plant Operator will entry Data to Computer Software Readymix is made by Computer software operating system.
  • A Mixture Truck connected with the Concrete loading point . After loading Concrete, quality will be checked by Laboratory & Lab Engineer will ensure quality. Than Readymix will supply to Customer/Clients Projects Site.

Contact Number

  • 01769-059738
  • 01769-059741
  • 01769-059739
  • Hotline : 01769-056319

Our Product

Contact Info

Head Office

Address Sena Kalyan Sangstha, SKS Tower (5th floor), 7, VIP road, Mohakhali, Dhaka
Tel 02-55058408
Email dgbd1@senakalyan.com
Fax 55058401
PABX 02-55058408
Website www.senakalyan.org


Address SKRMC, Hundha Road, Tongi, Gazipur
Mobile 01769056318
Email skrmc786@gmail.com